Born-again people overcome everything through God's power. This excerpt examines the question of whether a believing Christian can be lost. In this regard, Roger Liebi makes clear the difference between pseudo-converts or nominal Christians and born-again people. It is precisely in the end times that believers are tested. Therefore, it must be examined whether a believer can be lost. We are undoubtedly in the end times. The churches accept gender ideology, but reject a large part of the population and believers because of their political views. All of the developments with increasing godlessness are signs of the end times. According to the Word of God, the Antichrist may only work for 7 years, but in these 7 years there will be an unprecedented dictatorship. The Lord Jesus is the light of the world and only he can clean up all the chaos. The devil works incessantly and we often fall asleep like the disciples shortly before Jesus was captured by the high priests. People numb themselves with superficial things like football or pointless TV shows and sleepwalk towards their own destruction. The Antichrist system is becoming more and more obvious. The flawed Corona policy, which the RKI protocols now also clearly demonstrate, is just the tip of the iceberg. Migration without borders with Islamization, plus Islamic terror by knife attackers like in Mannheim, wars like in Israel against Hamas, Lebanon, Iran or the Ukraine against Russia with the threat of NATO reaction, gender/LGBTQ/transgender/rainbow agenda are all signs of the end times. The German government with the incompetent traffic light coalition is not reacting at all to the challenges, but is only making them worse. The end is coming. Please also watch sermons by Olaf Latzel, Werner Gitt, Karl-Hermann Kauffmann, Roger Liebi, Peter Hahne. full sermon • Epistle to the Hebrews: Part 3 (Chapters 3-4) ... found at • Dr. theol. Roger Liebi - Born Again... My dear friend, we are living in the end times and Jesus Christ will soon come again. Read the Bible.