Roccapelago – located over a thousand meters above a rocky spur from which it dominates the Pelago basin. An ancient place of great importance not only for the trade routes between Emilia and Tuscany, but also for the defense of the mountain territory. From the Lombards to Matilda of Canossa from the medieval battles of the perfidious Obizzo to the two historical museums and the parish church located inside the castle – 2nd ep. of #ilPaesanodiProvincia – #Roccapelago #AppenninoModenese #pievepelago #montecimone *Interview with the Paesano di Provincia on Modena Today https://www.modenatoday.it/attualita/... **Video of the interview (Vlog) • Interviewing the Paesano di Provincia... My Social / gianlucalul / gianlucalull An Astrid digital Media production / astriddigitalmedia / astriddigitalmedia Music / audiolibrary