Production and sale of equipment: http://leisuwash.ru/?utm_source=youtu... Phone: +7(495)291-03-21, [email protected] In September, we installed Leisuwash 360 in the city of Orel. In the building where there were previously 12 manual car wash posts, we additionally opened one automatic car wash post. After 2.5 months, it was time for the first technical maintenance of the equipment. And we decided to talk to the owner of the robotic car wash on the topics: 1. Why did you decide to open a robot car wash? 2. How did you choose the company? 3. How does one evaluate the quality of a car wash on a robot? 4. Is a robot car wash a competitor to manual posts? 5. How is the issue with washing mats resolved? 6. What is the target audience for the robot? 7. What is the trend and dynamics for clients on the robot? 8. How is technical maintenance carried out? 9. What is the return rate of clients? 10. Comparison of average checks for manual and robotic car washes? 11. How was the equipment delivered? 12. How was the equipment installed? 13. Plans for further development Leisuwash pages in social networks: Vkontakte - http://vk.com/leisuwash?utm_source=yo... Our website - http://leisuwash.ru/?utm_source=youtu... Franchise - http://franchise.intelwash.ru/?utm_so... Telegram - http://t.me/intelwash_biz?utm_source=... #leisuwash #robotwash #automaticwash