Recording of the lecture from the series Fridays from 15/03/2024 on the topic: The beauty of the theory of relativity. Einstein's geometric description of gravity - the general theory of relativity - represents not only an extremely successful physical model verified by a whole series of sophisticated tests and astronomical observations, but also a remarkable intellectual work, to which adjectives such as "beauty" and "elegance" undoubtedly belong. In the lecture, we will try to outline the foundations on which general relativity is built, what is the magic of the aforementioned geometric description of gravity, and what such a description tells us about the world around us. We will summarize the fundamental predictions of this theory, the most notable of which include the existence of black holes, the propagation of gravitational interaction in the form of ripples in the very geometry of space and time, or the birth of the universe at the moment of the big bang. Although these predictions naturally and very quickly became the props of science fiction literature, we present key experiments that bring them back to the real world and thus confirm the usefulness and correctness of Einstein's theory. Lecturer: doc. RNDr. Robert Švarc, Ph.D. (1983), graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, where he now works as an associate professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. The main area of his professional interest lies in the study of theories of gravity and their exact solutions - space-times. Here Einstein's theory of general relativity takes the natural lead, followed by theories involving additional geometric corrections. Black holes or various limit model cases of gravitational waves stand out between the investigated space-times. (Source of annotation and cv: Pátečniki.net) Further information: www.patecnici.net / patečnici.cyklus Current information about other lectures: From 6/5/2022 regular lectures Pátečniki - Sisyphus will be running again live, i.e. publicly with a debating audience in the auditorium PřF UK - from October 2023 until further notice in Krajinova lecture hall B14 in Venátská 2, on the second mezzanine (until then, these lectures were Viničná 7, B3 on the ground floor on the left - the same as Biological Thursdays, or B7 on the second floor opposite the staircase). In addition to recording, there should also be an online stream, information will be available on the unchanged links on FB address: / patecnici.cyklus and YouTube channel: / páteknici sisyfos tinyurl.com/YtPatecnici Support for the Páteknici project: https://www.startovac .cz/patron/vasi-... --- Note on automatically inserted unsolicited advertising content on YouTube during playback: Dear friends, the LLionTV YouTube channel has been founded in 2013 non-monetized and thus without any financial contribution from the YouTube community e.g. for the number of views or viewing time. He has always followed this ethical principle and has a strong will to keep it that way, not only out of respect for the presenters and performers, who are the main creators of the content, but also out of a higher moral principle. Until recently, the channel operated in this way was hosted on YouTube without added ads, and when this policy changed, I at least hoped that if the profit generated in this way was attributed only to a third party, i.e. the administrator / owner of this medium, the amount of unintentionally uploaded content would be at a reasonable and acceptable level . Unfortunately, this is not the case, and I'm afraid that no distinction is even made between paid and non-paid channels. So far I don't even know of any way to avoid embedded ads in any acceptable way or at least reduce them to an acceptable level. I definitely don't want to support this paradigm, that's why I don't even encourage you to subscribe to a service, e.g. YouTube Premium (CZK 179 / month), which allows you to watch videos without ads. If anyone can think of a reasonable solution, I would be very happy for any advice, e.g. to the email listed in the LLionTV end log of most of this creator's videos.