The next guest of the lecture series Modern Challenges of Humanity (MVL), organized by Mendel Grammar School Opava in cooperation with the Faculty of Public Policy (FVP), will be astronomer and astrophysicist Jiří Grygar. Jiří Grygar is a prominent Czech popularizer of science in the field of astronomy, astrophysics and the relationship between science and faith. The subject of his research is photometry and spectroscopy of stars, interplanetary matter and astroparticle physics. He is the holder of numerous awards, the author of more than two hundred professional works and a number of popular science articles, books and educational audiovisual programs. The event is organized by Mendel Grammar School in cooperation with the Faculty of Public Policy in Opava. The recording is provided by the Audiovisual Production Department of the Institute of Film, Television and Radio Production of the Faculty of Philosophy and Science of the Silesian University in Opava.