River Monsters TV series! Jeremy Wade travels to South Africa in search of a giant Nile Perch, after great effort to fish it, it was released. This species can reach up to 2 meters in length and weigh more than 225 kilos. Did you like the video? Subscribe to the channel, activate notifications and leave your ???? ⛔Subscribe to the channel☑ ⛔Leave your like ???? ⛔Leave your comments???? ⛔Activate the bell to stay tuned???????? Video title: River Monsters (Jeremy Wede) Nile Perch Copyrighted content: Rift Valley Killers Claimed by: Discovery Communications Blocked countries: United States Why this can happen Your video might contain copyrighted content. Copyright owners can choose to block YouTube videos that contain their content. If this copyright claim is valid You don't need to take any action or delete your video. How to unblock your video If something went wrong and the copyright owner or our system made a mistake, we have a dispute process. Please only use it if you're confident you have the rights to use all the content in your video. Learn more You can also remove the claimed content using Studio's editing tools.