This video was recorded in December 2019, during a HOLIDAY SPECIAL that Voz do Além and I did in RIO DE JANEIRO. It was our first trip sharing experiences here on YouTube and we have a very special affection for it. We went on a CABLE TOUR in the MARVELOUS CITY. ???????????? The cable car that connects downtown Rio, passes through LAPA and climbs the slopes of SANTA TERESA, in addition to being a means of transportation, reveals details of this charming and bohemian neighborhood in Rio. Rio de Janeiro in a way you've never seen it before! Is it WORTH IT? ???????? ..................... Do you want to send us a gift? ???? We'll love it!!! ???? Post Office Box: 78318 / Zip Code: 01504-970 / SP ???? Email for partnerships: [email protected] ???? Videos every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at noon ..................... *This content is NOT sponsored