The Riese complex in Lower Silesia. What were the underground tunnels dug out during the war in the Owl Mountains supposed to be? The headquarters of the Third Reich's leader or an underground arms factory? What do the testimonies of German war criminals given during the Nuremberg trials say about the Riese project? I invite you to watch another film in which I try to solve the war riddles of one of the most mysterious projects implemented during World War II in Lower Silesia. Detailed information on the presented documents can be found on the blog: https://eloblog.pl/riese-kwatera-hitl... Film part 2: • Riese – Hitler's Headquarters or factories from... The aforementioned film from January 2019 with a presented hypothesis on the Schmelcher report: • What were Osówka, Włodarz, Książ supposed to be... Script and hosting: Grzegorz Sanik Narrator: Tomasz Sikora The film was shot in facilities open to tourists: Walimskie Adits https://sztolnie.pl Osówka Underground City https://www.osowka.pl Jedlinka Palace http://www.jedlinka.pl Heartfelt thanks for providing the facilities for the photos. Special thanks to Mr. Dariusz Garba for providing copies of Leo Müller's letters and consent to their presentation in the film. The film was created in cooperation with the Silesian Piast Institute https://instytutpiastow.pl Blog https://eloblog.pl Facebook / podroznik.w.czasie.tv Twitter / eloblog_pl