Ria did a white fast until there was a ritual of drinking blood and pork to get the knowledge of a black magic shaman. The knowledge that Ria got also had to meditate in the middle of the night to absorb black magic. Then how does Islam respond to black magic? More only at https://listen.noice.id/cyOg/wpsipbew . . Click this link https://go.onelink.me/cyOg/youtube to download the Noice application now. It's free! Subscribe to Noice by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/SubsNoice . . Follow Noice's other social media too: #podcast #Noice #habibjafar #ilmupelet #taubat INSTAGRAM: / noice.id TWITTER: / noice_id TIKTOK: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSGo5ge5/