JTBC Special Documentary - Yoon Seok-yeol's 'Thousand-Day Record' Who Was His Enemy? On March 9, 2022, Yoon Seok-yeol, who was elected the 20th President of the Republic of Korea, declared martial law exactly 1,000 days later on December 3. With this 6-hour martial law that no one could understand, President Yoon Seok-yeol's time stopped. Since when, how, and who has been ruining this time? The JTBC special documentary <Yoon Seok-yeol's 'Thousand-Day Record' Who Was His Enemy?> focuses on the process from the president's inauguration to the impeachment situation. #JTBCDocumentary #YoonSeok-yeol #123Rebellion #MartialLawEmergency #PresidentialImpeachment 📢 Watch the current issue in real time! ☞Watch JTBC Mobile Live / @jtbc_news ☞Subscribe to JTBC YouTube (/ jtbc10news) ☞JTBC YouTube Community (/ jtbc10news) #JTBCNews Official Page https://news.jtbc.co.kr Facebook / jtbcnews X (Twitter) / jtbc_news Instagram / jtbcnews ☏ Report https://news.jtbc.co.kr/report Broadcaster: JTBC (https://jtbc.co.kr)