0:00 - Introduction 1:39 - About the developer 2:15 - Location on the map 9:58 - About the houses 13:12 - Concept of the residential complex 18:07 - Tour of the apartment 27:01 - Reviews on 2gis 32:35 - Interview with residents of the residential complex 34:40 - Layouts and prices 38:44 - Conclusion Residential complexes from GSK Krasstroy have always caused a lot of noise. They have an equal number of opponents and supporters. One of these residential complexes, namely Tikhie Zori, is probably the most successful and promising. Despite the fact that even the first project of the residential complex, according to which house 1, house 2, house 3 and house 4 are being built, was liked by the townspeople, the developer still revised its view of the object. In mid-2020, the second project of Tikhie Zori was announced, which amazes with its ambitions. The number of storeys of the buildings was reduced, which means the population density was also reduced, and reconstruction of the embankment of the fourth bridge was planned. The development concept for future buildings was also completely revised. Such innovations as an arrow on the Bazaikha River, a beach, a huge number of squares and children's playgrounds, innovative architectural solutions are planned. Krasstroy could not even ignore the topic of the Krasnoyarsk water park and is going to make an outdoor pool with heated water for the residents of Tikhie Zori! We will leave the idea of whether these two things are related or not to REN-TV, we will better tell you in detail about the Tikhie Zori residential complex itself and what they can give us today. https://www.abc-realts.com/ - website 8(913)036-57-65 – phone https://www.abc-realts.com/tihie-zori - Tikhiye Zori page (layouts, photos, concept, etc.) https://www.abc-realts.com/building - construction of private houses Links to groups: VK - https://vk.com/abc_realts Inst - / abc_realts Links to us: Semyon - https://vk.com/id101957985 Angelica - https://vk.com/aepolukhina