Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to support TPP, independent journalism: https://community.thepressproject.gr/ Have you ever felt that when something takes too long to come, then you don't want it? Like braces in old age. Or a bicycle. Or the playmobil castle. Well the metro is not like that at all. Whenever it comes, in fifty, a hundred years, whenever even one more station is built, we'll go pet it, we'll hug it, we'll punch one and two and three tickets at a time for support and we'll we adore like our own child, who finally left home at 50. After half a century and 3 billion, Thessaloniki has its own brand new metro. It doesn't have it because it's being privatized in the morning, it also flooded on opening day, and we haven't been able to fix things that are somewhat expected, like tickets. Immerse yourself in the ancient history of the metro, see the entire painful journey from the first hanumises trains to the Kouvela Hole and follow us to the interview of Kyriakos Mitsotakis on the ancients, where he must answer Nikos Hatzinikolaou if the citizens of this country deserve such a wonderful project. Writing Team: Haris Zavalos Iliana Zervou Thanos Kamilalis Hera Katsouda Panos Papadomanolakis Konstantinos Poulis Nektaria Psaraki Editing: Lydia Vlachou Production: Zoe Papadopoulou Start and End Signal: Elis Foto Music End Signal Theme: Spyros Grammenos Review Logo: Kathy Tsourlakis See the previous episode, for Bread, Education Freedom: • S11E06 REVIEW: BREAD EDUCATION FREE... Find us on Social Media: ⋆ Instagram: / thepressproject ⋆ TikTok: / thepressproject ⋆ Facebook: / @thepresspro. . -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Music Item ID: 1277638 Item Purchase Code: 4eccf0a0-3706-47fc-ba4a-5eb6557950f2