The video shows rabbits at an exhibition in Germany. Club exhibition of ram rabbits. Lop-eared rabbits. German rams of different colors - large, small, dwarf, English, Meissner. Website: http://eurokrol.ru/ ♔Subscribe to the channel: https://goo.gl/1Rggma ⛳VK group https://vk.com/eurokrol INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/eurokrol/?h... ..................................... I recommend to travelers: ???? International SIM card DrimSim ► https://goo.gl/QozpUo ???? Book hotels on Booking ► https://goo.gl/i4MM6K ???? The best prices for Airbnb accommodation ► https://goo.gl/AsfYQv #RabbitRab #Lop-EaredRabbits #GermanRabbit #RabbitsBreeds #FrenchRabbits #MeissnerRabbits #Rabbits #BunkerFeeders #BuyRabbits #GiantRabbits #Riesen #RabbitsVideo #RabbitsDelivery #RabbitsExhibitions #lphSailor