Review of a PVC boat with an inflatable bottom! Tuning and VERY USEFUL modifications! Honest review for 5 years of operation! Link to the fishing where I caught the first pike of the 2021 season on a spinning rod: • Powerful resistance of a large pike! Fishing... In this video, I would like to tell you and show you those nice goodies (tuning) that I made with my own hands and now I have on my boat with an inflatable bottom! I use these homemade products myself and I hope that you will take them into service because it is very convenient! Various fasteners, reinforcements, holders, etc.! Also leave an honest review of the motor boat (RIVER 344) for 5 years of operation, I think this period with such a number of fishing trips is enough to draw a conclusion! We kindly request, if you liked this video and it was at least a little useful, give this video a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to the channel RYBAK54! #fishing #fishing2021 #pike #fishingontheriver #fishinginSiberia #fisherman #boat #motorboat #review #ndnd #boatwithinflatablebottom #river #tuningpvcboats #honestreviewboatswithndnd #boatmodifications #solar #usefulmodifications #doityourself #novosibirskfishermen #fishermenofovosibirsk #ob #naobi #usefulDIY #DIY