DANIEL LOPEZ is a journalist, theologian, pastor and PhD in linguistics. He will chat about hidden and subliminal messages in movies, series, music, famous brands and other places you wouldn't expect. Vilela doesn't hide subliminal messages in the podcast, because he can't keep a secret. WATCH this full episode: https://youtube.com/live/pzwttoLcwfU Get to know APROSOJA Mato Grosso's projects on their Instagram: /aprosojamt APOCALYPSE GAMES CONNECT THE DOTS & CHORDS - Rogério Vilela https://jamboeditora.com.br/produto/j... Discover your new favorite piece in the Insider Store. #insiderstore Unlock your discount using the coupon INTELIGENCIA https://www.insiderstore.com.br/Intel... Vilela's eyewear line: https://www.dutyotica.com.br/duty-by-... Contact: [email protected] Want to send us gifts? Attention Rogério Vilela PO BOX Post Office Box: 81969 ZIP Code: 05619-970 São Paulo - SP #InteligenciaLtda #Podcast ---------- REALIZATION: Fábrica de Quadrinhos HOST: Rogério Vilela Follow on Instagram: @vilela EDITING: Yasmin, Gabriel and Israel PRODUCTION: Rogério Vilela SCRIPT: Fabio Mantoanelli