Welcome to a story full of mystery and wonder. Behind the enchanting peace of the South Sea, lies a story of a terrible battle between two great powers. Sunan Kalijaga, the wise guardian, and Nyi Roro Kidul, the supernatural ruler of the ocean. What triggered their fight, and how was the supernatural agreement able to change the fate of humans and nature forever? Find the answers in a story full of mystery woven on the border between the real world and the supernatural world. Prepare yourself for this thrilling and mysterious journey!. Press the 'Subscribe' button and activate notifications to get the latest updates. #SouthSeaMystery #SunanKalijagaVsNyiRoroKidul #SupernaturalFight #IndonesianLegends #JavaMystery #MysticalStory #SupernaturalPower #TrueStory #SouthSeaHistory #SupernaturalTreaty #IndonesianMyth #SunanKalijaga #NyiRoroKidul #HorrorStory #SupernaturalMysticalStory #SecretsofSupernaturalNature #LegendaryFight