Learn the secret of MIXED VOICE in practice now! ???? Find out now what's stopping you from singing better and receive FREE PERSONALIZED LESSONS ???? https://bit.ly/QUIZ-DA-VOZ-mista ???? Be my student ???? https://cantebem.claudioolliver.com/ ✳️ Click on the link below and watch the Super Singing Lesson [100% Free] ???? https://bit.ly/Super-Aula-de-Canto ✳️ Click on the link to download the Complete Singing Study Guide now ???? https://bit.ly/guia-de-estudos-canto ???? Exclusive Telegram Content - Join the Private Group ???? http://bit.ly/Telegram-GrupoPrivado ???? Instagram: @claudio.olliver _____________________________________________________________________ #vozmista #mixvoice #acutepotentes ????????????????Best videos on the Channel???????????????? ✳️ How to sing well (NOW) ???? • How to sing well (NOW) ✳️ Hoarse and Tired Voice Exercise. This video will save your day! ???? • How to improve a tired and hoarse voice? ✳️ (COMPLETE WARM-UP) How to warm up your voice in 5 steps (Quick) ???? • The Most Complete Vocal Warm-Up on Yo... ✳️ Definitive Breathing Exercise for Singing ???? • What is the best breathing for singing... ✳️ Why Does the Voice Change in Adolescence? ???? • Why does the voice change in adolescence? [V... ✳️ Does the voice change without the Tonsils? ???? • Does the voice change without the tonsils? [SEE AN... _________________________________________________________________ ❤️❤️ ????????Recommended Courses????????❤️❤️ ????️ SING WELL COURSE ???? https://cantebem.claudioolliver.com/ ???? Guitar Course ???? https://bit.ly/APRENDA-VIOLAO-FACIL ???? Piano Course ???? https://bit.ly/APRENDA-PIANO-RAPIDO _____________________________________________________________________ ???? Send me your question on Instagram: @claudio.olliver ???? Website: www.claudioolliver.com ______________________________________________________________________ The mixed voice also known as mix voice is the secret of the greatest voices in the world. In this video, this secret will be revealed and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of this vocal adjustment. What is a mixed voice? Basically, the voice is divided into registers. Each register, which is a set of specific notes, uses a common mechanical-muscular configuration that results in a more homogeneous timbre. For example, the chest voice register is where we usually speak. The TA muscle brings the vocal folds closer together, the air passes through and we feel the region of the chest vibrate, hence the name. And this happens because the low notes vibrate in hard structures, the thorax. And in the case of the head voice register, which is this little voice, when we play with a child or a pet or when we imitate a cat, for example, the CT muscle stretches the vocal folds, causing them to vibrate faster and thus the notes become higher. And if you make these little sounds (meow) and put your hand on your chest, you will notice that it does not vibrate or vibrates very little. When these registers are in this transition, it is very common for the singer to force himself to reach the high notes, or to break into falsetto, which is this breathiness in the voice. This happens because these two pairs of muscles that I mentioned earlier, the TA and the CT, cannot work together, which is what we call a mixed voice. The singer who masters the mixed voice is able to transition between registers with great ease while maintaining a much more balanced and healthy voice. mixed voice, doing a mixed voice, what is a mixed voice, mixed voice example, mixed voice, male mixed voice, how to do mixed voice, mixed voice exercises, head voice, exercises for mixed voice, mixed voice for beginners, voice, mix voice, high-pitched voice, high-pitched female voice, chest voice, beautiful voice, how to do head voice, free singing lessons, beginner singing lessons, singing well, beautiful voice, RxGTˆ65t, betosoroli, icaromelo, vozemconstrução, fabiovaz, manucavalaro, glauciaquites, marcioguerracanto,