Upon arriving in Jerusalem, Paul and his team are warmly welcomed by the brothers. The next day, Paul meets with James and the elders. He gives a detailed account of what God has done among the Gentiles through his ministry. When they hear this, they glorify God. However, they also inform Paul that many thousands of Jews had believed and were still zealous for the Law. They had heard that Paul was teaching the Jews living among the Gentiles to abandon Moses by not circumcising their children and not following traditional practices. To show that these rumors were not true and that Paul was still living according to the Law, the elders suggest that Paul take a vow with four men who had taken a Nazirite vow. Paul agrees, enters the temple with them, and begins the rite of purification, thus showing that he was not against the Law. This passage highlights the tension between the Christian freedom of the Gentiles and Jewish traditions, and Paul’s attempt to build bridges between these two groups. Follow us on social media, like 👍🏽 our videos and activate 🔔 notifications: YouTube: http://bit.ly/CanalPIPR Facebook: http://bit.ly/fb-PIPR Instagram: http://bit.ly/Instagram-PIPR Twitter: http://bit.ly/twitter-PIPR Contributions: PIX CNPJ: 11.558.061/0001-95 Bank: Itaú Agency: 1247 Account: 33375-8