Return from Space - Science fiction radio play by George Robertson from 1971 In search of a new habitat for the remnants of humanity on a devastated Earth, a space expedition falls into a time trap. Towards the end of the second millennium, a devastating nuclear war destroyed most of life on Earth. Among the few survivors were those scientists who had helped build the weapons of destruction and who were clever enough to escape the inferno. Now, centuries later, their descendants, like the monstrously mutated descendants of the former Europeans, are threatened with extinction as a result of the slowly dying plant world. While some are relying on the so far futile attempts of chemists to produce organic nitrogen, others are placing all their hopes on the search for a habitable planet somewhere in space. After a first expedition failed under mysterious circumstances after an initial success, a second team succeeds in finding an Earth-like planet. On the flight home, however, the ship comes under the influence of space orbits, cracks in space whose gravitational forces drag the ship into the past at several times the speed of light, back to a time when the Earth had not yet experienced the catastrophe. But almost three thousand years before takeoff, the automatic landing programming makes landing impossible. Forever chained to a stable orbit, the last survivor of the crew tries to make radio contact with Earth. Will humanity listen to the message from the future? Will the imminent catastrophe be prevented at the last moment? Without leaving the framework of theoretically plausible hypotheses, George Robertson speculates on the question of the relativity of space and time, turning his captivating radio play into a particularly emphatic warning about the dangers of nuclear armament. Take a look - Free month on Audible: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00NTQ6K7E?t... The best audio books: http://amzn.to/2GeUkgs Audio book bestsellers: http://amzn.to/2rVdiFf Audio book bestsellers: http://amzn.to/2nxq6fu The new Kindle Oasis eReader with integrated Audible: http://amzn.to/2txqhxG The links used are affiliate links. If you make a purchase via the link, I will receive a share of the sales. This has no effect on the price for you.