TG: https://t.me/planetazemlyaastro ALL SEMINARS ARE ACCESSIBLE FOR PAYMENT FROM EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND OTHER COUNTRIES except the USA! NEW SEMINAR "NEPTUNE - MASTER OF ILLUSIONS, ART AND MACHINATION": https://play.boomstream.com/J3k2hnwu NEW SEMINAR "URANUS - THE REBEL OF YOUR HOROSCOPE"! https://play.boomstream.com/N7LyqMa9 and the author of all the changes that befall you, unpredictable events, momentary decisions, roller coasters in relationships, marriage and work, processes that happen only once in a lifetime, and those that cannot be prevented. NEW SEMINAR "THE TWELFTH HOUSE"! https://play.boomstream.com/WenY17HU the most mysterious and malicious, among other things carrying information about the connection with ancestors, spiritual level, self-destruction, forced or independent isolation, vices, secrets, hidden enemies and behind-the-scenes intrigues. and all the troubles of the World. NEW SEMINAR "ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES. BEGINNING. HOUSE I.": !!! https://play.boomstream.com/Drl7K4tI the most important house of the birth horoscope, giving information about a person's capabilities, revealing potential during life, the tools put in our hands by the fact of birth, the masks we wear and the clothes by which we are greeted, realization and show performances, luck and talents ..! "MONEY IN THE HOROSCOPE and HOUSE II": https://play.boomstream.com/vmDwWu8c in order to have the external, it is necessary to deeply study the issue from the inside. 1 hour 45 minutes of pure time. The seminar covers: the topic of money and property; the 2nd house, its ruler, planets in the house and outside it related to the topic of finances in the birth horoscope; sources of income and expenses, savings and losses; issues of real estate, investments and obtaining possible profit from interest or in the form of inheritance. Questions: "Where is my money?", "How can I make money?", "What am I doing wrong when distributing finances and why are they slipping through my fingers?", "What to do if the 2nd house is empty?" and many others. Bonus: a slight emphasis on transits and a formula by which any house of the natal chart is "read" and assessed. In other words: whoever looks will have an understanding of their entire horoscope..)) "SYNASTRIAL - THE KEY TO PERFECT COMPATIBILITY and HOUSE VII" https://play.boomstream.com/G1qYnKHB Is there such a thing as ideal compatibility? What aspects from an astrological point of view trigger that very "chemistry"? Why do we "attract" the same people? What does a partner bring to our relationship? Where to look for your person? How long does love at first sight last? And so on down the list.. "Solar - Your Personal Wizard" https://play.boomstream.com/21VeQf2f It is no secret that the astromagic of Solar allows you to model your personal year in the best possible way, placing emphasis on professional growth, financial well-being, a successful marriage, expanding your real estate area, moving, having children - everything that makes our life happier and brighter. To everyone - fulfillment of desires! "BLACK MOON - energy funnel": https://play.boomstream.com/MWHBOGsW seminar "LUNAR NODES - OUR KARMIC BANK": https://play.boomstream.com/HZYqjp97 ATTENTION: access to each seminar is provided for three days after payment! - calculate your holiday and everyday resources. #planetearth #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrologerevelinasoboleva #astroforecast2024 #horoscope2024 #astroforecastforall #horoscopeforall #westernastrology #forecast2024 #whatawaitsin2024 #planetearth #internationalsituation #blackmooninlibra #lilithinlibra #uranusintaurus #plutoinaquarius #saturninpisces #retrogrademars #oppositionmarspluto #retrogrademercury #fullmoonsingemini #fullmoonsindecember