???? Talk to our office via WhatsApp https://wa.me/5567996420399 ✉️ Our email [email protected] Did you hear that starting in 2025, the minimum retirement age will change? Social security lawyer Carolina Centeno will explain the changes in retirement based on the progressive minimum age rule. Carolina is a partner at Arraes e Centeno, a law firm that offers personalized retirement consulting for Brazilians from all regions. —-------------- Also watch: • 5 most common questions about retirement... • How do I know if I can retire at 63? • Retirement based on length of contribution... —-------------- The progressive age rule for retirement takes into account two factors: minimum age + minimum length of contribution. The requirements for the Progressive Age Transition Rule that are in effect until December 31, 2024 are as follows: Women 30 years of contributions; 58 years of age + 6 months per year. Men 35 years of contributions; 63 years of age + 6 months per year. The progressive minimum age increases over time, during the transition period. Starting in 2025, the minimum retirement age will be 59 years for women and 64 years for men. Find out if you can benefit from this rule and retire at a younger age. Contact our office and ask all your questions. About Arraes e Centeno: We help people from all over the country to guarantee their labor rights and achieve the best retirement. Specialists with over 20 years of experience in social security and labor law. Our CNPJ is 24.417.642/0001-59. ☎️ Talk safely with Arraes & Centeno (67) 3025 4546 (67) 99642 0399 (67) 98160 4661 #retirement #contributiontime #age #transitiongrade #salary #inss #pensionplanning #retirementplanning #arraesecenteno #carolinacenteno