When is it time for a rabbit to retire? Until what age can a doe work? How many years does a male rabbit work? A doe maintains high reproductive rates depending on the kindling scheme used. Details on what age is considered old for rabbits. • COMPRESSED AND SEMI-COMPRESSED LARGE LARGE about compacted and semi-compacted litters. My Instagram profile / farmersingleton @farmersingleton I really appreciate your subscriptions, views and likes. Thank you for your attention! You can support the Channel and provide all possible assistance in its development very easily: 1) subscribe to the channel; 2) write a comment under the video; 3) click the notification bell; 4) share a link to the video on social networks. 5) watch the video again :) E-mail: [email protected] VK https://www.vk.com/id455256122 #rabbits #retirementage #pensionforrabbit #flocks #rabbitbreeding #rabbitage #rabbitproductivity #oldrabbit #rabbitbreeding #rabbitkeeping #singlefarmer #singlefarmerchannel