End of the first race week, Charlie enjoys his day off and Alain continues the mechanics on the GasGas RX450F! Meet Guillaume de Mevius! From now on, the episodes will be published daily on this new YouTube channel, remember to subscribe! Shop: https://bit.ly/boutique-team-charlieh... Charlie Herbst Instagram - / teamcharlieherbst Facebook - / teamcharlieherbst Challenger Racing Team Instagram - / challengerracingteam Facebook: Challenger Racing Team Video @aprodmedia / aprodmedia #TEAMCHARLIEHERBST #CHALLENGERRACINGTEAM THANK YOU TO OUR 2025 PARTNERS: Dafy Moto, Igol, CGN, 100% Motos, Dafy Moto Angoulême, Département de la Vienne, Ogre, Lostis recyclages, Maurice, Fox, Europe BM Shop, Moreau Lathus, Powerbar, Stephan Hamache, VSB Automobiles, Barooder, GlobalProtocol, Shot, Apollo Motors, Fulbat, Michelin, Norisko, Prorima, Airoh Helmet, KING TONY France, Now Company, Doppler, 701 Racing, Republic Corner, SEMC Distribution, leBigUSA, CBD Cream, IMF, Mx-Chauvinois, Seize Design, Talaria Motor France, Secoba, SARL Janic DOUSSET, Dswavid Léger IMMOBILIER, FL Heritage Strategies, Cycles Desmazeau, Mathieu LOCATION, RAT, RD Boss.