English: I have often read or listened to comments from people where the concept of Resolution and Image Definition was used inappropriately. In reality, resolution and definition have profoundly different meanings and areas of application. The first, resolution, refers to the world of photographic printing; the second concept, that of image definition, concerns the reproduction of images on a monitor and obviously the total number of pixels. In this video, I try to clarify two concepts that, if misunderstood, can compromise the final quality of the reproduction of our photographs, whether on a monitor or through printing. If you want to delve deeper into these concepts and learn the correct work workflow, I recommend my online courses: FROM SHOOTING TO PRINTING FINE ART BLACK AND WHITE FINE ART You can access the presentation page at the following links: https://www.promirrorless.it/scatto_s... https://www.promirrorless.it/bianco_e... ..... You can learn more about my activities at the link: https://www.damianodurantefineart.it