In this parody of Resident Evil 4, Leon Scroto Kennedy is assigned to rescue the Brazilian president's daughter, Shirley, who has been kidnapped by a bunch of lunatics who have a dangerous parasite. This video is a combination of the 5 episodes that conclude the series + extra scenes. There are about 25 minutes of completely new scenes that did not appear in the separate episodes. #residentevil4 #residentevil4remake #leonskennedy #parody #humor #humorsketch #sketch #parodyfilm #superverse ???? Professional Contact: [email protected] ✅Instagram: / superversobrasil ✅TikTok: / superversobrasil ✅Facebook: / superversobrasil ✅Twitter: / superversobr ATTENTION: THE DISCLOSURE OF THIS AND OTHER VIDEOS FROM OUR CHANNEL ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA, SUCH AS FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND TIKTOK, IS ONLY PERMITTED IF THE PUBLICATION IS PROPERLY CREDITED. WE DO NOT ALLOW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE (EXCEPT IN CASES OF REACT).