Baby cars are going to play a role-playing game! What public service vehicles do they want to pretend? Fire truck, police car, ambulance and more! Rescue Team????Fire Truck, Patrol Car, Ambulance Vehicle Song BabyBus English ❤ Lyrics❤ I'm a cool fire truck Ni-na ni-na I'm a cool fire truck Ni-na ni-na Who helps us when there's fire The fire truck is here Don't be afraid I'm a cool fire truck Ni-na ni-na I'm a cool ambulance Wiu wiu I'm a cool ambulance Wiu wiu Who helps us if we get hurt The ambulance is here Don't be afraid I'm a cool ambulance Wiu wiu I'm a cool patrol Ii-u ii-u I'm a cool patrol Ii-u ii-u Who helps us when there's danger The patrol is here Don't be afraid I'm a cool patrol Ii-u ii-u Help In danger What to do We're afraid Someone help us Brave fire truck Ni-na ni-na Brave ambulance Wiu wiu Brave patrol Ii-u ii-u They will save the people Fire truck Ambulance Patrol Small rescue team We did it Mission accomplished If you enjoyed watching the video on the BabyBus channel, subscribe and Give our channel a like???? to receive new songs and animations instantly! We add new videos every day and there’s always new content for your little ones! #babybusspanish #kikiymiumiu #BabyBusEspañol #nurseryrhymes #forkids #nurseryrhymes ❤ Recommended Plays: Kiki and Friends: • Kiki and Friends - Cartoon ... Good Manners for Children: • Good Manners for Children Nursery Rhymes ... Rescue Teams: • Rescue Team - Super Panda Hero ... Jobs and Professions: • Jobs and Professions Nursery Rhymes ... Magic Kingdom Adventure: • Magic Kingdom Adventure Cartoon ... Germs Are Coming!: • Germs Are Coming! Nursery Rhymes... · Mimi & Timi Kittens: • Who’s the Biggest Monster? C... ♥------------------------------------------------------- BabyBus -----------------------------------------------------------♥ BabyBus is a channel designed especially for children between 2-5 years old, where you will find various children’s songs, 2D & 3D cartoon videos, stories and other fun content for preschoolers. Kids can learn a lot from these videos, such as good manners, healthy habits, numbers, colors, shapes and much more! We focus on meeting the educational needs of the youngest. Our purpose is to foster interest in learning and to accompany both parents and children during this special stage. Subscribe to our channel to receive new songs and animations instantly! We add new videos every day and there is always new content for your little ones! Feel free to contact us for any ideas or suggestions, please: [email protected] Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.