A former stray rescue kitten who escaped from his cage and chased after the resident cats, looking lively and happy⭐️ [Cat-crazy couple in their 50s] Surrounded by 16 rescued cats and several local cats, he struggles every day as a cat servant. We take pictures of every moment of our fun life with the cats. We hope that by watching our Nekomaruke videos, you can learn about the joy of raising a rescued cat and the healing and happiness that cats give us. As a couple, we are doing our best to rescue cats and TNR local cats. If you are thinking of getting a dog or cat in the future, please get one from a health center, protection organization, or shelter. Many dogs and cats are waiting for their new family to come and pick them up. If you like the video, we would appreciate it if you could like it and subscribe to our channel. 🐈⬛ #straycat #rescuedkitten #catvideo▪️BGM •Takatsugu Wakabayashi / cocoa2448 •YouTube Audio Library •Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ •Ongaku no Egg https://ontama-m.com/ •Amacha Music Studio https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/