The pirates of Salé were fierce sailors who sailed the oceans at a time when the central authority in Morocco was weak. In this episode, we will talk about the events that led to their arrival in Salé and how the fall of Granada in Andalusia was a direct cause of their emergence. My sites: https://linktr.ee/naoufalchaara -------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------- Salé and Rabat Al-Fath, their fleet and their jihadist piracy - six parts - Jaafar bin Ahmed Al-Nasiri, the Andalusians and their migrations to Morocco - Muhammad Rizq Al-Zawiya Al-Dila'iya - Muhammad Hajji, the pirates of Salé - Roger Coandro, Nuzhat Al-Hadi, with news of the kings of the eleventh century - Muhammad Al-Saghir Al-Wajjar, Andalusia in its last days in Granada - Academy No. 24 - Abdelaziz bin Abdullah, the Andalusians, not the Moriscos - Academy No. 15 - Abdelaziz bin Abdullah, the Moriscos in the Gibraltar region - Academy No. 15 - Hassan Al-Fakiki, the difficulty of integrating the Moriscos into Moroccan society - Academy No. 15 - Al-Hussein Bouzineb on the burial place of Sultan Abu Abdullah bin Al-Ahmar, the last king of Granada - The Moriscos in Morocco - Abdel Wahab Benmansour The Moriscos and the naval jihad in the Maghreb - The Moriscos in Morocco - Mohamed Hajji The Identities of the corsair captains who raided the island in 1627 - Adam Nichols - The Unofficial Sources of Moroccan History - The Saadi Dynasty - France - Spain - Pays-Bas Traité Project between the Moriscos of the Casbah of Rabat and the King of Spain in 1631 - George S. Colin Salé in the 17th century The land of the Morisco island - Leila Maziane Morocco of the Other Times: The Corsairs of Salé - Henry of Castries