In the video, you can learn about several simple methods by which you can multiply your fruit bushes - currants, gooseberries, jost and other berries. We will show the methods of so-called direct vegetative reproduction, where a part of the mother plant is allowed to take root using various techniques, so that the newly propagated plant retains the properties of the original variety, i.e. the given mother plant that we are breeding. 0:00 introduction 1:02 grafting 6:40 grafting for tree-like currants and gooseberries grafted on a rootstock made of meruzalka golden 8:45 planting already rooted currant seedlings taken from a grafted shoot 12:37 digging 14:08 dividing 14:51 cutting 16:52 storage of the cuttings taken The video was filmed on 27 November 2020. I wish you much success in propagating small fruit. Links to videos on growing fruit trees and shrubs: I. Currant and gooseberry propagation • Currant and gooseberry propagation II. Gooseberry cut • Tree and bush gooseberry cut III. Cut of blackcurrant • Cut of blackcurrant IV. How to save a popular fruit variety and taking grafts • How to save a popular fruit variety... V. Raspberry cut - how to harvest raspberries up to 6 months of the year • Raspberry cut - how to harvest raspberries until ... Write your questions and experiences in the comments. MEMBERSHIP: Become a member of this channel to access membership benefits. Click on the JOIN button below the video or on this link: / @plodnazahrada CONSULTATION: If you are interested in an individual consultation tailored to your needs, please email me: [email protected]. This is a form of paid service. SUBSCRIBE TO VIDEOS: Here you can subscribe to videos from Plodna Zahrada: / @plodnazharada YOU CAN FOLLOW MORE TIPS from Plodna Zahrada on: → Instagram: / plodnazahrada → Facebook: / plodnazahrada CAMERA AND EDITING: Behind the camera is my handy son Petr, without whom none of the Fertile Garden videos would have been created. Petr is a very successful calisthenics trainer. If you want to get in shape, he will definitely be happy to help you. You can see his activities here: → YouTube - / mojevize → Instagram - / petr.mojevize