The final sequence of the anime Attack on Titan (Shingeki Kyojin, Attack on Titan or Attack on Titan) and the entry of the girl or boy into the tree that was the source of the Titans' power has probably raised a lot of questions for you. Does that mean the cycle is going to repeat? Will the Titans be born again or...? In this video, we will discuss this topic and the possibilities related to this scene. English Channel 📸 / @weaboohead 📸 Discord Weebhead 🎮 / discord 🎮 Telegram 📣 https://www.t.me/s/the_real_weebhead 📣 Instagram 📸 / weeebhead 📸 Twitter 📝 / therealweebhead 📝 Twitch 🔊 / the_real_weebhead 🔊 #anime #attack_on_titan #anime_review