Good day. You will see. A couple of reasons why gasoline may not flow, and identifying these reasons, as well as repair. Was used. 1) Motor of electric fuel pump VAZ 2110 ATS 53453 Firm ATS (catalog number by which you can order 53453) its approximate cost from 500r. I took such and installed it on KIA CERATO, it works well. 2) MESH OF FUEL PUMP ATS (catalog number by which you can order 221178) Approximate cost from 33r I took exactly this one, since another one will not snap into place at the bottom of the gas tank. Link to a post from drive about a beaten up Passat B3 station wagon. https://www.drive2.ru/l/5006235881187... Also on this topic. Passat B 3 won't start, no fuel. Gas and gasoline are standing. How to start a Passat • Passat B 3 won't start, won't... In this video you will see where the fuel pump fuse is, the fuel pump relay, the fuel pump itself in the station wagon and how to test the power supply. See what I found in the trunk for the station wagon on Ali. Trunk mat polyurethane NORPLAST VW Passat B3 SD, 1988-1993 / B4 SD, 1993-1 black 1 pc. https://ali.ski/ZOnml3