Hi guys! This video is long! It's 3 hours long. In this video, I repair and maintain the bottom bracket of my Sousa electric bike. More precisely, I replace the ball collars with only balls, and I replace one of the axle centering and tightening nuts (correct name = axle bearing housing), the one on the left side. I couldn't remove the other one, the one on the right side, with a conventional tool to be able to make the change. Since I received the bike in May 2022, the axle came with a small amount of play that caused a scratch on the bike's rear fairing. At first, since the tightening wasn't working, I replaced the ball collars, but it didn't work. I tightened the bearing housing, but the play returned after a few kilometers. I consulted my friend from Sousa's authorized service center to discuss the problem and we came to the conclusion that it could be the axle that was defective and I replaced the bottom bracket, but the problem persisted. After analyzing the problem carefully, I came to the conclusion that it was not the collars or the axle, but that it could be the nuts or bearing housings with some internal defect and I decided to replace them. Another problem I noticed is that due to the use of the pedal, the ball collar frame, in addition to giving way, could also be causing some type of wear inside the bearing housings and this favored the play in the axle, for this reason I decided not to use the ball collars, but to use only the balls as it was done in the past. The service was done, after a lot of work to remove the left bearing housing, which I was forced to destroy due to the thread locker that I had used in the last attempt, but the service was done, now with use we will see if the problem is solved or not. Watch the video! Questions call on WhatsApp: 13 9 8101-7031 DO NOT CLICK HERE!!! https://bit.ly/3xdO4R6 Anyone who wants to know the price of the Sousa Eco 350 Bicycle, and where to buy, the store contacts in the city of Guarulhos - SP are below, to know the updated values I ask you to contact the reseller, also below is the manufacturer's link to locate an authorized reseller and assistance near you. Follow the Store contacts: Website: https://www.biciclete.com.br Tel.: (11) 2087-6470 WhatsApp: (11) 98765-2959 E-mail: [email protected] How to locate the reseller closest to you: https://www.sousamotos.com.br/localizar Also visit the Pedaleria channel, there are always good tips there. / pedaleria Betinho Hobbies / @betinhohobbies39 Music: Bama Country - Country by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ You Tube Audio Library / bikeeletricaecia #bicicletaseletricas #bicicletaseletricassousa #bikeeletrica #bikeeletricasousa #bikesousa