The car has found its new owner) but you can write to us and repair your Audi and bring it to any condition you want. So the story of the restoration of this Audi A6 C4 2.5 tdi began in the summer You can watch more in the video about the repair of this audi c4 • These cars can still Audi A6 C4 2.5 We thought that we finished it, but we did not like how this Audi A6 C4 2.5 works when cold. Therefore, we decided to take up this issue and solve them Why does not the Audi A6 C4 2.5 work stably when cold? Why are there dips in engine performance on an audi a6 c4 Why does the Audi a6 c4 2.5 start poorly when hot? All these issues were resolved in this video Who wants to come to us for repairs or buy spare parts for this car, write WE ARE HERE ⬇️ VK https://vk.com/dontsovy222 Write personally Inst / dontsovy222 Telegram for information and communication https://t.me/audirasbor Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/dontsovy Mail [email protected] Write personally in Telegram AngelAudi VK group https://vk.com/dontsovyauto VK group for Audi analysis https://vk.com/doncovyaudi #audi6c4 #dontsovy #audirepair #audi100c4 #autorestoration #audia6 #audic4