This is the KWID ZEN 2025, the entry-level version of the cheapest car on the Brazilian market. The Renault KWID 2025, alongside the Fiat MOBI 2024, are the best-selling subcompacts in Brazil. In fact, the two models are always in a fierce battle to have the lowest price and the highest number of sales in the Brazilian market. But is the Renault KWID the best option? What has changed in the 2025 KWID line? Is it worth it? Watch the entire video and I'll tell you everything. Website to buy SOAMER Polished and Black Piano Stainless Steel Tips: https://www.ponteirasoamer.com.br/ Use the channel's exclusive discount code. Discount coupon: MYCARS GLOBO RENAULT Dealership Phone: (41) 3012-9922 For more information and details, speak to Sales Consultant Caio WhatsApp: (41) 9903-2262 Follow my new Instagram https://instagram.com/mycars.oficial?... Help keep this channel active with constant reviews, ratings, tips and lots of information. Any amount helps us a lot, thank you. PIX key (E-mail): [email protected] So subscribe to the channel and activate the bell so you don't miss the next videos. If you like the video, leave a like, as it helps the channel and my work a lot. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. #kwid2025 #kwid #renault #renaultkwid #renaultkardian #kwidvsmobi #fiatmobi #fiat #launch #news #cars