This is the mbedog village, a remote village on the outskirts of Ponorogo Regency. The location of the mbedog village is on the border of Ponorogo and Pacitan. Some of the roads in the mbedog village in Ponorogo are still rocky with most of the houses still simple and are located in the southern limestone mountains on the border of Ponorogo and Pacitan. #javavillage #villageinmountains #remotevillage #remotevillageponorogo #remotevillage #village in the middle of the forest #twowidowslivinginthemiddleoftheforestponorogo #ponorogo #ponorogohitz #ponorogokotareog #remotejava #ruralatmosphere #pacitan #pacitanparadiseofjava #bordervillageponorogopacitan #mbedogvillageponorogo