The first part of the Remnant series, which is now becoming a series, Remnant: From the Ashes is an exceptional soulslike game, mostly because although it is the same in all gameplay elements as the usual ones from the genre, it still became an unusual title with its added uniqueness. 📞 We build a community here, for invites: https://bit.ly/3gL2ykP 😃 I post promotions or events here: Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Pe4lDl 📷 I share thematic pictures here Instagram: https://bit.ly/32CVuhP 🐦 I tweet here: https://bit.ly/2NfyrW9 🔴 And I stream here every weekday: / wuzzaby 🎥 You can watch the streams here: / @wuzzabystreamek4891 #remnantfromtheashes #wuzzaby #recommendation #introduction #hungarian #ps5 #gunfiregames #soulslike