This is an intriguing story about the controversial and tragic circumstances of the 1991 events on the Lithuanian border in the Šalčininkai district that have not been widely disclosed. “I should have been in Gintaras’ place,” the film’s hero Antanas Stasaitis told 15min Investigative journalists, recalling the death of the first border guard Gintaras Žagunis. Antanas’ testimony about being beaten during interrogation by “his” officers of the now independent Lithuania and pressured to change his testimony unexpectedly led him to the Seimas building today. The high-ranking official was caught up in questions from the past that date back more than three decades. The film’s director is Paulius Neverbickas. 2024, Vilnius. ???? SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: https://rb.gy/9qcmj4 ???? READ NEWS: https://www.15min.lt/ ???? LET'S BE FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK: / 15min ???? FOLLOW OUR INSTAGRAM: / 15minlt #15min #research #border