Filiz, who lives a middle-class life, marries Hamdi, a widower. Hamdi has two children named Özlem and Özkan. The young woman, who adopts Hamdi and his children as her family, has big dreams of living a better life. One day, Filiz hears that her stepchildren Özlem and Özkan inherited a house from their deceased mother. The young woman starts making plans to take the house from the children and achieve her dreams. Blinded by her greed, the woman cooperates with the mafia to ensure that the house is sold. However, the young woman's unstable state of mind due to her ambitions makes the lives of the two stepchildren unbearable. In the face of this attitude of their stepmother, Özlem and Özkan embark on a great struggle together in order not to lose their house, which they see as a treasure.