According to a study conducted by Harvard University, 83% of the population has no goals, 14% only think about it in their head, and only 3% accurately define and plan everything. Let's check it out. Right now, from the people around you, have you planned past 2022 points, and if so, what percentage of performance did you have? ask. At the beginning of the year, everyone thinks that they will lose weight, eat healthy, save money, etc., and forget about the last month or the second month. Then, in this course, we will openly share with you the answers to questions such as how to intelligently plan 2023 points, what people lose and why they do not produce long-term results. I'd be happy to help you plan your 2023 points and become one of the 3%. ???? Registration link: https://forms.gle/cddwz7weYX1JC7Fr9 REGISTRATION: From December 8th to December 20th. ???? Training fee: 59,000 NOK ???? Date and time of the training: 2022.12.22 at 19:00 ???? Telephone for inquiries about the training: 95751767 ???? Website: https://www.okod.online/ What do you need? You must have completed the online course requirements. Writing paper and pen.