Learn the 3 pillars of the couple in my free webinar "Happy Couple" and you will be able to turbocharge your relationship by putting an end to constant arguments. Sign up for free here at the link: http://bit.ly/2Z0VeHu Couple problems: have you ever wondered what the essential building block is that allows relationships to work? A clear answer to this question is offered by John Gottman, professor emeritus of the University of Washington, who has worked with many couples over the years. Here are the 4 steps to become a black belt in couple relationships :-) USEFUL LINKS: I created a free group on FB to talk about issues related to couple life, request registration here at the link to participate: http://bit.ly/3teQtqP Sign up here for my free video course on personal growth: http://bit.ly/Crescita #coppia #relazioni #psicologia