Relationship Advice - Break Up Coolly with Relationships That Eat You Down When you live with people, there are bound to be people who have a positive influence on you and people who have a negative influence on you. People who have a positive influence on you are people you are grateful for. On the other hand, there are many cases where it is difficult to live without seeing people who have a negative influence on you. How should I behave in relationships with people who have a negative influence on me? Find the answer in the chapter on relationships that eat you down and a cool breakup in the new book 'The moment you live like yourself, you become an adult.' by author Yoo Se-mi. #Human relations #Self-management #Self-development #Conversation skills #How to speak well #People who are good at human relations #Human relations theory #Mental #Mental management #Social life #Good feeling #Positive #Positive #Image #Dignity #Class #Life quotes #Life advice #Stress #Emotions #Luxury #Attitude #Human relations advice Yoo Se-mi's 'The moment I live my life as myself, I have finally become an adult' Purchase guide Kyobo Bookstore: https://vo.la/qlbeAa Yes24: https://vo.la/qlxzSS Aladdin: https://vo.la/XyoCVm Yoo Se-mi's workplace class cafe https://cafe.naver.com/rlatjdqls53 Yoo Se-mi's life class blog https://blog.naver.com/perpetua0919 Host: Yoo Se-mi 'The inner strength of relationships' author Lecture inquiries: 010-2326-8805 / Join the [email protected] channel and enjoy the benefits. / @user-yoosemiclass