#igrejaapostolicahortolandia #igrejaapostolica #reuniãonormal #santavorosa #santoirmaoaldo We believe that the Apostolic Church represents on earth the second coming of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, in fulfillment of His promises. In the past, when Jesus lived among men in the lands of Palestine in His first coming, He gave proof that He was the Christ promised by the Prophets and the Savior of humanity, for He lived what He taught in His messages of love, faith and hope, performing great wonders and miracles. In His vicarious work, being holy, pure and immaculate, He offered Himself to God as a living sacrifice, on that cross of Calvary, shedding His innocent blood for the purification and redemption of those who believed in Him with love and fidelity to His Holy Gospel. He rose again on the third day, gained the power of life over death and the authority to create Saints in His image and likeness for the glory of His Father, our Creator God. He promised his Apostles that he would return in the Time of Regeneration, as a last opportunity for salvation for the good and humble of heart before the application of the final judgment. He would make all things new and send another Comforting Spirit, similar to Him in power, virtue and grace, and would prepare in his Church a new people for God, guided and protected by a Shepherd par excellence according to his promise: “there will be one flock and one Shepherd”. Learn more about our history: https://www.igrejaapostolica.org/igre... Official Website: https://www.igrejaapostolica.org/ Donation: https://www.igrejaapostolica.org/doacoes