Become a TriCast Member here: ???? https://buymeacoffee.com/tricast (the most economical for you and us) ???? / tricast Exclusive content every week! Support the project, have access to our Discord and lots of content to help you improve in the sport! Are we counting on you? Sports Policies - Bernardo Blanco TriCast EP.71???????? We have often talked about the need to reform sport in Portugal ????????, measures to encourage practice, new infrastructures, more support for athletes and a better sports culture! Well, in this podcast we have the presence of deputy and vice-president of @liberalpt Bernardo Blanco, who promises to take an active stance in promoting sports policies within the party! One of them was recently approved with the formalization of the increase in sports funding! A podcast with many exchanges of ideas and where we talk about sport as a promoter of health, education and values in a modern society!