Whether you are a university student, researcher, or academic worker, at some point in your career you will need to write an academic research paper, report, conference paper, or other academic and scientific documents. You must then document the sources and references you have resorted to during the writing process. However, this stage, which usually comes at the end of the research, may be an impossible task for some, especially with the different and multiple documentation systems. * The APA system is an abbreviation for a documentation system issued by the American Psychological Association. This system dates back to 1929 when a group of psychologists, anthropologists, and business managers decided to search for a set of simple procedures or rules that define and clarify the various elements of scientific writing. And facilitate the process of reading and understanding. It is a special method for documenting scientific research specializing in psychological sciences and the branches of specialized psychology that fall under it, and the method of documenting references according to it is as follows: The writer's family name, the first letter of the personal name. The first letter of the writer's father's name. (Year of publication). Book name: Country of publication: Printing house. We apply the additions we applied in the second method if the book for the same reference is multiple or its parts are multiple https://www.for9a.com/learn/%D8%A7%D9... * MLA method The Modern Language Association has adopted MLA as a method for writing scientific references in studies and research specializing in philosophy, logic, religions, literature, history, and various educational fields in addition to the group of known human sciences. The following is a documentation that explains this method References References that have one author: Author's last name, author's first name. Book name. Place of publication: Publishing house, year of publication. References that have more than one author: First author's last name, first author's name, second author's name as stated in the book. Book name. Place of publication: Publishing house, year of publication. Translated reference with more than one participant in its preparation: Editors' last name, editor's name (preparer). Book name. Place of publication: Publishing house, year of publication. Reference consisting of a group of parts: Last name, author's personal name. Book name. Part or parts used in the thesis. Edition. Place of publication: Publishing house, year of publication. Number of parts of the reference. Parts must be separated by [–]. Scientific articles and their use as a reference: Author's last name, Author's first name, Encyclopedia compiler's name. "Article name" Name of scientific encyclopedia (year of publication), https://zu.libguides.com/c.php?g=8689... * Harvard documentation method There are various methods of documenting references for scientific research. Before we review the details related to that, we will clarify the definition of the term scientific research, the steps related to the method of conducting scientific research, and the importance of documenting references in scientific research. Finally, we will list the details related to the Harvard documentation method. https://www.mobt3ath.com/dets.php?pag... Personal page link https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... This link is important as it contains all types of documentation in pdf https://fac.ksu.edu.sa/asmalsaleh/blo...