In this talk format, Stefan Schneidewind-Burgemeister (Maßwerk - Historische Schuhe), Dominik Huber (Der Pärbinger Ritter) and Dr. Melanie Burgemeister (Faser und Stoff) talk about re-enactorism in historical #representation, in #reenactment and #livinghistory as well as in #larp . In this episode: Dark colors in clothing Belts, bags and pouches Favorite historical films A brief explanation: #Reenactorism or #Reenactism describes things that are assumed to be historically correct, but are actually based on the imitation of the scene or other actors and have thus crept into the scene over the years. It is about the question of what kinds of things there are that are often assumed to be historical and where this myth comes from. So if you are interested in critically questioning your representation and fancy a relaxed talk on the topic, then you have come to the right place. We are also looking forward to your ideas for further reenactorism and feedback on our new talk series. Literature tips: Nencki: The art of dyeing https://amzn.to/3LDqp3l Fischer: Natural colors on wool and silk https://amzn.to/3LDqp3l (These are affiliate links, you don't pay more, but I get a small commission when you order something. Thank you for your support!) You can find more of us on social media and the YouTube channels: @mawerk-historischeschuhe3845 @derparbingerritter8894 @faserundstoff If you want to support our work, please visit the Patreon account of Faser und Stoff: / faserundstoff