REDEVIDA The Family Channel Live 24 Hours REDEVIDA is the family channel for its Christian inspiration, its moral and ethical commitments, its vocation for service, and its human and social value. Dedicated to Our Lady of Fátima and confirmed in the National Shrine of Aparecida, REDEVIDA was born on June 20, 1995. The project was the initiative of a lay Catholic, journalist João Monteiro de Barros Filho. The idea was supported by the then archbishop of Botucatu, Dom Antônio Maria Mucciolo, and Dom Luciano Mendes de Almeida, then archbishop of Mariana. With the support of dioceses, parishes, congregations, and with the help of engaged lay people, INBRAC, the Brazilian Institute of Christian Communication, was created, the non-profit organization that implemented REDEVIDA. REDEVIDA's star shines throughout Brazil, from north to south! With open VHF and UHF channel coverage, REDEVIDA is present in all Brazilian capitals and the 500 largest cities in Brazil, reaching more than 1,500 municipalities. REDEVIDA is already present in more than 300 of these locations with a digital channel. It has the largest pay TV distribution in the country and is also available through satellite dishes, in digital and analog signals. There are 24 hours of programming produced in HD daily, both at the headquarters and generator in São José do Rio Preto in the interior of São Paulo, and at auxiliary studios in the capital of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Brasília, in addition to independent productions and news stories sent from several other locations in the country and around the world. #REDEVIDA #OCanalDaFamilia #REDEVIDA29ANOS #TVCATOLICA #AOLIVE #tvredevida #REDEVIDA29anos #Catholic #RedeVida #FatherLucioCesquin #AoLIVE #ImCatholic #CatholicChurch #OSantoTerco #Brazil #SportsLife #CountOnMe #DalcidesBiscalquin #fatherezequieldalpozzo #fatherjonatasdiniz #MassofSanctuaryofLife #MissaSanctuaryofLife #ClaudiaTenorio #BetterLife #FatherLucioCesquin #FootballOnRedeVida #FullLife #Politics #fathermarcelorossi #dungaphn #dunga #chavesdalibertacao #meirykamia #novenadosfilhosdilhasdesãojose #padremarciotadeu #saojose #rosaryofmercy #marianamonteiro #minuteoffaith #domfernandofigueiredo #padrehalissonparro #padreemerson #padrejuaresdecastro #cleberleandro #rosaryofglories #promisesofthesacredheart #meditationofunity #professorfernandotadeu #devotionary #wordofthecardinal #wordofthearchbishop #asignofpeace #ofaourbread #encounterwithchrist #thewordofgodfortoday #mass #massoftheeternalfather #novenamariapassesahead #padrerodolfacomarotta #rodolfacomarota #novenadodivinoeternalfather #novenadoperpetuosocorro #churcharoundtheworld #choicesoflife #rosaryoflife #betterlife #togetherwithourladyoffatima #bendita #benditahora #osantotercodosfilhosdopaieterno #redevidatamojunto #tamojunto #batismonoespiritosanto #batismodefogo #vivaavida #redevidaevangeliza #padrereginaldomanzotti #acredite #abellaitalia #bellaitalia #silviobrito #silviobritoefamilia #anatomiadopoder