CHEESE RED PEPPER ROLLS 🌶 CHEESE RED PEPPER WRAPS - APPETIZER RECIPES Hello everyone, welcome to my kitchen. You can make this recipe for either your meal times or your tea times with peace of mind. I hope you try this recipe that I'm sure you will like very much. Bon appetit to everyone who makes it and eats it already. I'm waiting for your comments, friends who make it. Stay with love. Don't forget to subscribe and press the bell button next to it to be informed about the three new recipe videos I add every week ➤ https://bit.ly/3tpTGnh I hope you like this video. If you liked the video, don't forget to press the like button and comment ♥︎ Thank you with all my heart for your support, stay with love ♥︎ RED PEPPERS ROLLS WITH CHEESE 🌶 RED PEPPERS WRAP WITH CHEESE 6-7 roasted red peppers 200 grams of cheese (use half soft, half hard cheese) 3-4 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley 2 tablespoons of finely chopped walnuts 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil 12-14 spring onions ENGLISH RECIPE 6-7 roasted red peppers 200 grams of cheese (half soft, half hard cheese) 3-4 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley 2 tablespoons of finely chopped walnuts 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil 12-14 spring onions RECETA ESPAÑOLA 6-7 pimientos rojos asados 200 gramos de queso (mitad blando, mitad queso duro) 3-4 cucharadas de perejil finamente picado 2 cucharadas de nueces finamente picadas 2-3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 12-14 cebolletas RECEITA PORTUGUESA 6-7 pimentões gezelhos assados 200 gramas de queijo (metade queijo macio, metade duro) 3-4 colheres de koca de salsa picada 2 colheres de nozes picadas grosseiramente 2-3 colheres de azeite 12-14 cebolinhas РЕЦЕПТЫ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ 6-7 запеченных красных перцев 200 grams of sausage твердого сыра) 3-4 столовые ложки мелко нарезанной петрушки 2 2-3 stolovs ложки оливкового масла 12-14 луковиц وصفة عربية 6-7 فلفل أحمر مشوي 200 جرام جبن (نصف طري ونصف جبن صلب) 3-4 days المفروم ناعماً 2 ملاعق كبيرة من الجوز المفروم 2-3 ملاعق كبيرة من 12-14 AZFURBAIJAN RECIPE 6-7 roasted red peppers 200 grams of cheese (half soft, half hard cheese) 3-4 tablespoons of freshly chopped jaffari 2 tablespoons of finely chopped apricots 2-3 spoons of olive oil 12-14 onions RICETTA IN ITALIANO 6-7 peperoni rossi arrostiti 200 grammi di formaggio (mezzo a pasta molle e metà a pasta dura) 3-4 cucchiai di prezzemolo tritato finemente 2 cucchiai di noci tritate finemente 2-3 cucchiai di olio d'oliva 12-14 cipollotti You can access all the recipes in the title by clicking the links below... ➤ CLICK FOR MOST WATCHED RECIPES: https://bit.ly/3b7TbaZ ➤ CLICK FOR APPETIZER RECIPES: https://bit.ly/3BD0TaP ➤ CLICK FOR FOOD RECIPES: https://bit.ly/33k6alJ ➤ CLICK FOR SALAD RECIPES: https://bit.ly/33hAmxM © Sibel Yalçın ® Follow me on social media: Instagram: / sibelyalcincom Pinterest: / sibelyalcincom My official website: https://sibelyalcin.com.tr/ #redpepper #salad #appetizer #easyrecipes #practicalrecipes