🐦 In this video: Video, picture, song and calls of the red-backed shrike Name: Red-backed shrike Family: Shrikes Also known as the red-backed shrike Characteristic features/appearance: Grey head, black eye mask, black hooked beak. Long tail, back brown to reddish brown. Belly beige to light pink, the tail is black with white stripes. Size: 16-19 cm Weight: 22-34 g Age: 6 -10 years Females: Brown on head, back and tail, lighter underside. Eye mask dark brown. Song/calls: The song is quiet and rarely heard and consists of twittering sounds. Nasal, hoarse "waw" can be heard as warning calls, as well as a clicking "tschak" when disturbed. Otherwise the voice is rather unremarkable. Breeding season: May - July, 1 brood per year, 12 - 14 day breeding period Nest: in open hedges and bushes, preferably thorny bushes such as blackthorn, hawthorn or dog rose. Clutch size: 4-7 eggs Food: mainly insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, crickets. Small mammals and, in exceptional cases, young birds are also sometimes preyed upon. It impales its prey on thorns as a reserve. Habitat: semi-open cultivated landscapes with bushes, thorny bushes and low trees. Natural enemies: sparrowhawk, marten, magpie. Migratory behavior: Long-distance migrant (Africa) Endangered: Currently not endangered Source: Pixabay, Pexels, Adobe Stock, Kosmos bird guide, Xeno-Canto, Wikipedia ...and here is my blog: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.d... Facebook: Federchens Gartenglück Instagram: federchens_gartenglueck COME OUT WITH US TO ARRIVE IN YOURSELF! You can find further information here: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.de #red-backed shrike #birdportrait #birdprofile #birdsonghike #naturecoaching #forestbathing #garden #closetonature #biodiversity #bees #insects #environmentalprotection #nestingaids #naturespirituality #ornithology #ornithology #forestwalk #forestfriends #loveofforest #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck