Family fishing at Amagasaki Municipal Fishing Park in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture. Our fishing guide is Okita Tadanori from Fishing Max. First thing in the morning we try sabiki fishing. We catch 30cm-class mackerel one after another as they swim by. Suddenly, a school of halfbeaks swims near the point. We change our tackle and aim for halfbeaks. We give it a quick cast and it lands on the surface. We catch lively halfbeaks one after the other. Sometimes two halfbeaks get caught on two hooks. The halfbeaks are biting like crazy and are in top form. Finally, we go sabiki fishing again. We catch a string of good-sized horse mackerel and enjoy sabiki fishing. The show also provides detailed explanations of the tackle needed and how to fish. #FamilyFishing #FishingMax