The role of the caregiver is vital in the care of the cancer patient. In this talk with our guest specialists, the role of the caregiver is recognized with practical tools to avoid burnout and recommendations for the day such as immediate care after surgery, how to mobilize the patient, how to bathe them, and warning signs. Conference: "Recommendations for the caregiver of a cancer patient" within the framework of the 4th Congress of Patients Together Against Cancer United Latin America! #MakeYourVoiceHeard Speakers: Dr. Architect Myriam Ríos Castellanos, Executive Director of the Ammar Ayudando Foundation, Guatemala. Psych. Alexandra Aceituno Ríos, Director of the Villa de la Esperanza Hospice of the Ammar Ayudando Foundation, Guatemala. Nurse Ana Lidia Velasco López, CECPAM, Mexico Moderator: Leticia Aguiar, Coordinator of Together Against Cancer. www.congresopacientes.org FB @MxSinCancer CECPAM https://www.cecpam.org FB @centrodecuidadospaliativos Ammar Helping Foundation https://www.fundacionammarayudando.org FB @ammarayudando